Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Petit Trou right now

Petit Trou is about under the "H" in the word "HAITI" on this map:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beverly is back in Haiti

Beverly is the nurse from our team; she's back in Haiti right now, working at the Artibonite Valley Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, where the center of the cholera outbreak is.

That hospital's blog is here:
...they seem to update it about every other day, so it's a good place to keep track of the Cholera outbreak.

And Bev's personal blog is here:
She told me she'll do her best to update it, but of course internet access in Haiti can be iffy.


Tropical storm Tomas is expected to hit Haiti on Friday. Meanwhile, $500 million in US aid- your tax dollars- are being held up by a single Republicans senator from Oklahoma. He's been blocking that money since May.

Bothered by that fact? Call your own senator 202-224-3121